Your contact person: Maurizio Rematore

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Your contact person
: Maurizio Rematore

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1.1. What is LR FIGUACTIVE?

The LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups and Flakes are meal replacement products that contain the perfect amount of all the nutrients the human body needs. They can be used to lose weight or to control your weight.1,2 Together with a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, they help you manage your weight in a healthy and sustainable way.

1.2. What is the LR BODY MISSION?

For many years now, the LR BODY MISSION has been a popular recipe for successful, long-term and sustainable weight management1,2 and for promoting a healthy lifestyle. The concept is made up of three parts:

• LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups and Flakes as replacement meals,

• Herbal Fasting Tea, Pro Balance and Protein Power as smart additions,

• Online support on with delicious recipes, workouts, weekly plans and tips & tricks that will help you develop a healthy lifestyle and reach goals as well as maintain your achievements long-term.

1.3. Which and how many meals should I replace with LR FIGUACTIVE?3,4

You have plenty of options to suit your goals. If you want to maintain your weight, we recommend you replace one of your three meals a day. If you want to reduce your weight, replace two meals a day with LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups or Flakes. Once a day, you should have a balanced, fat-reduced third meal. You can decide for yourself which meal that should be. For example: have an LR FIGUACTIVE Shake for breakfast, indulge in a balanced, fat-reduced lunch (e.g. fish, vegetables and salad) and then enjoy a delicious LR FIGUACTIVE soup for supper. Take care to never miss breakfast. Breakfast stimulates the metabolism and prevents your body from going into energy-saving mode. And if you have had breakfast, you won’t be too ravenous at lunchtime.

1.4. Will LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups and Flakes satisfy me, or can I have snacks?

The LR FIGUACTIVE meal replacements contain all the nutrients your body needs when following a calorie-reduced diet. A feeling of hunger generally only occurs in the first few days. Once your body has become accustomed to fat burning, you will no longer feel hungry. Should you still have a craving, drink some water or tea and wait a few minutes. Should you still feel hungry, the Herbal Fasting Tea or a snack such as Protein Power may help. You’re also always free to eat vegetables (peppers, cucumber, tomatoes, kohlrabi etc.). Fruit and vegetables should, of course, also be part of your diet, not just a snack. For snacking, we recommend crudités such as carrots, cucumbers or peppers. When you eat fruit, try to avoid bananas and grapes since they contain a lot of sugar.

1.5. Does it make a difference at what time of day I have my main meal?

Ideally, you should have your main meal at lunchtime. However, for many it is more practical to eat with family and friends in the evening. This is also an option. Whatever you prefer, take care to always eat your main meal around the same time and not vary times too much.

1.6. Can I add anything to the LR FIGUACTIVE meals?

With the LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups or Flakes, you can have a whole range of varied and interesting meals since you can choose from a total of eight different flavours. You will also receive additional support with the digital LR BODY MISSION at – here you can find many tasty recipes that will enrich your day-to-day life. You can, for instance, add fresh fruit or vegetables with up to 50 kcal (e.g. 60 g of broccoli) to your Shakes, Soups and Flakes – this will add interest to your LR BODY MISSION, and you will still only have an intake of approx. 250 kcal per meal.

1.7. May I eat carbohydrates in the evening?

You’re free to eat carbohydrates if you’re having your main meal in the evening. However, you should not have large amounts (more than 100 g) of fast-release carbohydrates such as pasta, white bread or white rice. Instead, try going for wholemeal bread and pasta or brown rice as well as all kinds of vegetables and salad.

1.8. How much should I drink, and which drinks are preferable?

The German Nutrition Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e. V.) recommends you drink at least 1.5 litres of water or unsweetened tea per day5. However, during a diet, your consumption of liquids will be higher than usual.6 Mineral water and unsweetened tea – such as the Herbal Fasting Tea – don’t have any calories. By drinking, your metabolism will be stimulated, and your body needs to work constantly. To ensure your intake of liquids is high enough, we recommend you stick to a fixed schedule. Get used to drinking in accordance with your schedule – every day.

1.9. May I drink alcohol?

Alcohol interrupts the process of fat burning and provides additional calories. Therefore, consuming alcohol is generally not recommended while you are trying to lose weight. You may, of course, make exceptions on special occasions, but these should really remain exceptions.

1.10. May pregnant / breastfeeding women or children take LR FIGUACTIVE?

As a rule, the above-mentioned groups of people should not follow a weight loss diet. Consult your doctor if you nevertheless want to replace the occasional meal with LR FIGUACTIVE.

1.11. Are the LR FIGUACTIVE products lactose-free?

All Soups, Shakes and Flakes are lactose-free.

1.12. Are the LR FIGUACTIVE products gluten-free?

All Soups and Shakes are gluten-free. The Flakes are not gluten-free.

1.13. Are the LR FIGUACTIVE products vegan?

All Soups, Shakes and Flakes are vegan and are based on a combination of plant proteins derived from peas, chickpeas, broad beans and soy.

1.14. For how long can I replace meals with LR FIGUACTIVE?

Since the LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups and Flakes provide the body with all essential nutrients, you can enjoy the products until you have reached your personal dream weight. The products are also suitable for long-term weight management. Simply keep replacing one meal a day with LR FIGUACTIVE once you have reached your weight goal.

1.15. Since I changed my diet, I sometimes suffer from headaches. Why?

From experience, we know that people who want to lose weight sometimes don’t drink enough. While on a mission to lose weight, you should drink 2-3 litres of calorie-free liquids per day. Mineral water or our Herbal Fasting Tea are ideal.

1.16. How much weight will I lose with LR FIGUACTIVE?

This depends on many factors, which means we can’t give you a definitive answer. Your daily physical activities, age, sex, how many meals you replace with LR FIGUACTIVE and how high your starting weight is all play a role. Fact is, some people lose weight quickly, others a little slower. Don’t lose heart – even small steps will eventually lead you to your goal!

1.17. With which products should I supplement LR FIGUACTIVE products?

The LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups and Flakes can help you reach various goals. But, of course, LR also has a number of additional products that can fulfil your personal needs. If you have an active lifestyle, the following products may be of interest:

– Aloe Vera Drinking Gel Active Freedom

– Active Freedom Capsules

– Protein Power

– Colostrum Liquid

– Colostrum Capsules

If you are keen to optimise your nutritional balance, you may be interested in the following products:

– Vita Active

– Super Omega

– Pro Balance

– Mind Master

Or simply ask your LR Sales Partner to inform you about the complete range.

1.18. Why and how often do I need Protein Power?

Protein Power boosts your protein levels. This ensures your muscles remain in shape7, which is important because muscles are the biggest energy consumers in your body. In addition, muscles increase your basal metabolic rate since they need more energy. Thus, muscles can protect you from the yo-yo effect. Ideally, enjoy Protein Power8 in the evening when you’re feeling peckish.

1.19. What are the benefits of Pro Balance?

Pro Balance promotes a healthy acid-base balance9. Take 4 tablets after each meal with plenty of water.

1.20. What should I do once I have reached my dream weight?

First of all, you should be extremely proud of yourself! In order to transition into your new normal and to celebrate long-term success, you should continue to replace one meal a day with an LR FIGUACTIVE Shake, Soup or with the Flakes. Ideally, you still use the LR FIGUACTIVE meals at lunchtime or in the evening and maintain a balanced diet. You should eat a lot of protein with every meal, especially in the evening and continue to avoid snacks. Of course, you should also maintain your new healthy lifestyle habits (sufficient exercise, healthy eating).

1.21. What should I do if I start gaining weight again?

Should you notice a slight weight gain, simply use LR FIGUACTIVE again for a few days. Take care to exercise enough in your day-to-day life and to enjoy a balanced diet. This way, you will quickly be back on track.

1.22. What is the main reason for weight gain?

In most cases, you have simply eaten more than your body needs. Modern nutritional science and medicine agree that a permanent energy surplus (i.e. too many calories) is one of the main reasons for weight gain. It makes no difference whether this energy surplus is caused by too many carbohydrates or too much fat.

1.23. What is the best way to lose weight?

Temporarily reducing the calorie intake, i.e. the energy intake, is the most basic and important recommendation reputable medical professionals and nutritional scientists can give you. All effective weight loss methods on the market are ultimately based on this. They merely differ in their approach. The LR BODY MISSION uses this principle (and others) in the form of a holistic concept, which – in addition to the LR FIGUACTIVE products – also helps you lead a sufficiently active lifestyle and eat a varied diet.


2.1. What changes have we made to the LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups and Flakes?

The LR FIGUACTIVE Soups, Shakes and Flakes have been thoroughly examined and optimised following highest quality standards. In a nutshell, the advantages of the new products are:

• Low in sugar10

• Sweetened with stevia11

• High in fibre, e.g. Psyllium seed husks

• High protein content (vegan protein from peas, chickpeas, broad beans and soy)

• Only natural flavours

• 100 % vegan

• Free from gluten12 & lactose

• Free from palm oil, artificial colours & flavour enhancers

2.2. Which flavours are available?

Thanks to the choice of Soups, Shakes and Flakes, your LR BODY MISSION will never become boring. You can try the many flavours and discover your personal favourites. We now offer the following flavours:

• Soups: Juicy Tomato, Spicy Curry, Yummy Veggie

• Shakes: Lovely Coffee, Smooth Cocoa, Fruity Strawberry, Soft Vanilla

• Flakes: Crusty Raspberry Flakes

2.3. How do I prepare the products?

Preparing the LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups and Flakes is very easy. The front of each LR FIGUACTIVE tin now details how to prepare the product. We have summarised them for you here:

2.4. Changes to packaging sizes

When you received your LR BODY MISSION, you probably noticed that the packaging sizes of the Soups and Flakes have changed. But don’t worry: the number of portions has remained the same. When we optimised our LR FIGUACTIVE recipes, some of the ingredients changed. This in turn had an effect on the total volume. In order to reduce packaging waste, we have adjusted the packaging sizes accordingly.

2.5. Has the LR BODY MISSION changed?

For many years now, the LR BODY MISSION has been a popular recipe for successful, long-term and sustainable weight management and for promoting a healthy lifestyle. The concept has stood the test of time and is made up of three parts:

• LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups and Flakes as replacement meals,

• Herbal Fasting Tea, Pro Balance and Protein Power as smart additions for your weight management,

• Digital coach with delicious recipes, workouts, weekly plans and tips & tricks that will help you develop a healthy lifestyle and reach your goals.

From now on, the LR BODY MISSION will become even more individualised. You have the choice between 8 delicious LR FIGUACTIVE products – so you can go for whatever you like best. To cover your LR FIGUACTIVE needs for a whole month, choose 2 x LR FIGUACTIVE Soups, 2 x LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes and 1 x LR FIGUACTIVE Flakes.

2.6. How varied is the LR BODY MISSION?

With the new LR FIGUACTIVE Soups, Shakes and Flakes, you can choose between a whole range of different and incredibly tasty flavours. Of course, you’re free to enhance your meals and thereby make your LR BODY MISSION even more varied. For instance, add fresh fruit or vegetables with approx. 50 kcal. For additional support with your LR BODY MISSION, go to, where you’ll find plenty of delicious recipe ideas.

2 You will need to consume 2-3 litres of calorie-free liquids, ideally mineral water or unsweetened tea.

3 Weight control: Following a low-calorie diet and replacing two of your main daily meals with LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups or Flakes promotes weight loss.

4 Maintain your weight: Following a low-calorie diet and replacing one of your daily meals with LR FIGUACTIVE Shakes, Soups or Flakes will help you maintain your weight after a successful weight loss.

6 You will need to consume 2-3 litres of calorie-free liquids, ideally mineral water or unsweetened tea.

7 Protein helps maintain muscle mass.

8 Dietary supplements are no substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

9 The magnesium in Pro Balance helps maintain a normal metabolism and a healthy electrolyte balance.

10 Except LR FIGUACTIVE Juicy Tomato Soup. This contains sugar from natural sources (e.g. tomatoes). No sugar added.

11 Except the LR FIGUACTIVE Soups.

12 Except the LR FIGUACTIVE Flakes.